Dignity in Spirit



“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”


Dignity in Spirit



Hello and Welcome,



Spirit allow us dignity to stand up to the task at hand.  Our intent is to

instill a solid foundation of Spirit in others.  That is the first priority

of our mission.  There are a lot of likeminded individuals who search

diligently, daily for a personal power source.  One they can trust

and believe in.


Indigenous to these individuals is their inability to achieve their hearts’

desire.  Show them the source.  Bless them with spirit of their own.  Help

them stand up to the forces and principalities of darkness.  Save them from

themselves.  A world without Spirit is a deep dark abyss.


Today is the day!  Accept Spirit as your friend, guide and mentor.  Utilize

gifts bestowed upon you.  The gift of Spirit is yours for the asking.  Ask.

You’ll receive and be glad you did.


We have Spirit present in our lives.  We’re grateful for mercy shown.  We

need strength of Spirit to help lighten our loads and shed light upon the

darkness.  Grace us with your presence and we remain your faithful servants,

stewards and soldiers.


Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!



PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.




(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG



2 Responses to “Dignity in Spirit”

  1. raacy4gemsv Says:

    “Ïnstilling dignity in others is only one part of our job. The other is to instill daily devotion to spreading Spirit worldwide.”

  2. raacy4gemsv Says:

    “Spirit spreads slowly and surely.’

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