Archive for the ‘The Spirit’ Category

Spiritual Intuitive Report

May 27, 2010



Spiritual Intuitive Report



Becoming Spiritual:

Are you spiritual?  Are you intuitive?  Are you a spiritual intuitive reviewer?  If so, you’ve intuitively found your “intuitiv” ness/nest.

Please enjoy this full report to becoming a spiritual intuitive person.  Learn how eagles soar!

Do you have a just cause that needs support?  Do you understand you’re not a lone eagleHow Eagles Soar can help you reach the highest  echelons of freedom.

What is freedom to you?  Is it peace, prosperity or abundance?  Or, is it freedom from financial stress and untold happiness that you aspire to?

Intuitive Intelligence:

We all aspire to something.  We all have a spiritual intuitive ego to stroke. This is not a bad thing.  If you are spiritual in any sense of the word, we know you are here for the same reasons that others visit this site.  For intelligence above and beyond the norm.

Intelligence is lacking in a lot of lives.  Our job is to help others fill that void in their lives.  We wish to help others achieve their desires, wants and needs.

My guess is you are here for the same reason I am.  To collaborate and glean whatever intelligence is being revealed.  My own interests are already fulfilled.  You visiting this blog is my heart’s desire.  I hope you find what you’re looking for within our posts, past, present and future.

Social Networking and Education:

In finding words to relay my own thoughts, I fill another void in my life as well.  The need to express and expound my own ideas.  This is a form of brainstorming for me as an individual.  I hope it becomes a catalyst for your brain storming mindset.

All of my intelligence gathering and research, has garnered me an education, few in the world can attest to.  This venue allows me to give voice to my interpretation of intuitive resources.

Social networking allows me creative license to form groups and alliances with some of the most influential and affluent personages in our industry.  You too can be an active participant with like-minded individuals.

Relevant Content:

As you go about daily activities be sure to include us in your usual repetoire of blogs to visit.  Establish an RSS feed.  We are intent in filling this blog with relevant content to all.  In establishing this blog content we hope to instill in you a sense of well being, comfort and security.

Isn’t wellness, health, comfort and security, pertinent to each of us as individuals or as businesses?  We need a fair share of both to engage in profit and success.

Our greatest wish for you is that you leave here content and happy with what you’ve experienced or gleaned from this short article on being spiritually intuitive by nature.  Continue to reach out and enjoy the fruits of your labors. 

Give what you receive and reap the harvest.

Have a great fun filled prosperous day!

Richard Yorke




Don the Armor of Spirit

August 12, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by mangement for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”


Don the Armor of Spirit


Hello and welcome,


We are blessed with sunshine and beautiful weather today in our
neck of the woods.  I’m fortunate, well blessed and happy to be
in cottage country today.  As I meditate, I dwell on Spirit and
the bounty it graciously provides.

Thanks for strength given me to experience and don the armor of
Spirit  This shield of faith deflects evil and evil doers.  It
prepares and protects us for future battles.  Obstacles thrown
in our midst are overcome by the power granted us.

Wielding the shield of faith we soldier onward and fight daily
the dark forces that threaten to tear asunder our armor.  It’s
wonderful to know we’ve donned our armor and our shield of
wards off the enemy at every turn.

As a solid body of faithful servants we come face to face with
our fears and frustrations.  Once faced those obstacles become
a part of the past and we move forever onward in freedom.

The lessons we learn along the way add value to our existence
and fodder for our spirits.  We pick up lost time by being more
open and honest with ourselves and others.  Through development
of these traits
alone we build long and lasting relationships.

So while we go about our daily lives in the days to come ponder
the blessings of SpiritDon the Armor of SpiritGo into
battle prepared for victory
and victory will be yours Stay
true to your spirit and you will be rewarded with abundance,
peace and happiness.


Have a great fun filled and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.


PPS:  For more information or a full list of the products we have to

offer check our related site(s).



(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG



A Day of Wonder and Amazement

August 8, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by mangement for management.”



“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”



“Global intelligence for all, peace, prosperity and abundance.”


A Day of Wonder and Amazement


Hello and Welcome,

This has been a day of wonder and amazement for me.  I sit back
mesmerized and perplexed.  I relax and realize just how quickly
the Spirit moves.  In all I do it seems my efforts double in
productive and useful content
.  It is an awesome feeling.

We all must be prepared for the workings of Spirit within our
lives.  The Spirit is not worried about the time element in
things.  We on the other hand worry about time above all else,
except maybe money or love.

Hopefully by now you’ve kept up with our posts or content and
begin to realize the awesome impact it can have in your life.
We truly want you to experience these blessings freely offered
and bestowed upon you.

As a part of our goals, having you realize these samll details
are most important.  It is a human tendency to forget the small
details involved in all aspects of life.  Even the most seemingly
unimportant little task is so large and such an integral factor
in greater whole.  You’re a valuable part of that greater whole.

Please keep this in mind as you progress daily in your life.  It
is our intent and should be yours as well by now, to utilize our
programs and educational methods of attaining wealth through
belief in yourself and those you meet and develop personal
relationships with.

As a whole, society must grasp these concepts.  We all miss out
if one small piece of the universal cog is missing.  Please use
the grease and oil we provide with our daily blogs and other
media to show you our commitment to you and yours.


Have a great fun filled and prosperous day!




PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.


PPS:  For more information or a full list of the products we have to

offer check our related site(s).



(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG



A Press Release

August 8, 2009





“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”



Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
 the quest for peace on Earth.”


Our Product(s)

“Global intelligence for all, peace, prosperity and abundance.”



Cottam Industires

56 East Folly Mtn., Rd., RR2
Debert, NS, Canada, b0m1g0
902 899 3708


Hello and welcome,


Today we are discussing responsibility. We all have certain re-
sponsibilities and obligations.  With all the confusion that
goes on in this fast paced world, we must first think of our
own priorities.

Our first priority is to our spirit and then ourselves.  The
Spirit is our guide and we must listen to Spirit and teachings
of the Spirit.  These lessons are learned hopefully when we’re
young.  If not, it is certainly never too late to start.  It is
our responsibility to not only educate ourselves but others as

These are the elementary rules to living a life full of peace,
prosperity and abundance
.  An abundant life is not having more
than we need.  It is having what we need and learning to share
with others the extras we may be blessed with.  Sharing gives
us a higher opinion of our self worth and usefullness.

Without purpose or reason for living, we are devoid of feeling.
It is our aim to help others realize the importance of self
and the luxury of sharing with others so they too can
achieve much more in life.

With these very important first lessons of  living life in peace,
prosperity and abundance
, we hope to instill new spirit in u.


Have a great fun filled prosperous day!


 Richard Yorke



(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG


Stay Focused

August 6, 2009

Stay Focused

Hello and Welcome,


We’re finally getting some good weather here.  It is a beautiful day and the

Spirit is bursting forth.  I am filled with wonder and gratitude for the

blessings I experience each and everyday.  What a wonderful world.


Are you filled with Spirit today?  Are you thankful for all you have?


Being thankful is the first step towards having a great fun filled and

prosperous day.  The generosity given us is tremendous and we can never

give thanks enough for this gift of life and experience.  We thank the

Spirit for watching over those who live far from home or for those who

are travelling to go and see loved ones who live in other parts of the



Are your loved ones close by or are they scattered?  We sometimes feel

the loneliness that being apart brings.  Trust Spirit to help us realize

that they are with us in spirit everyday.  They abide in our hearts and

souls.  They are never far from our minds.


As your day progresses let Spirit console and protect you from all worry

and wonder.  Life progresses and our goals become closer to reality.  We

need those goals to keep momentum.  Our momentum is up to our own clarity

of thought and faith in what we cannot see touch or feel.


Stay focused on what the Spirit directs you to do.


Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.




(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG

The True Gift of Spirit

August 2, 2009


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”


The True Gift of Spirit


Hello and Welcome,


To another day with Spirit.  Spirit becomes us all.  It is so wonderful to join in Spirit with

likeminded individuals, family and friends.  Praise be to the Spirit and all it represents.  I

am sure it represents many things to many people.  To me it represents the true meaning of life.


Today the Spirit is really working in harmony with all I do or represent.  My deepest desire is

for you to share in the same Spirit I know fills the world today.  The Spirit is represented by

all cultures and recognized around the globe.  There are many names for Spirit.  Those names are

clear, concise, descriptions of each individual culture.


Our purpose with this particular medium is to reach and share with all cultures.  Spirit is an

inherent component in every society.  The points of view that make up the many faces of Spirit

are vast and many a faceted jewel.  Our logo or badge of Spirit is our version of that jewel.


If you look closely at the logo or badge as we sometimes call it, you will see it’s entirety

the true meaning and purpose of the image portrayed.  This awesome original and unique image is

created from body, mind and spirit.  It was created by one of our own.  By request this image

was drawn from the artistic mind of a professional who takes great pride in his work.


This young man is a star in his own right as represented by his unique symbolism and creativity.


The Spirit was certainly present in the artistic creation of his art on that blessed day.  Bless

him and his futuristic works.  I truly would like to work with him once again sometime in the

near future.  He truly has the gift of Spirit in him.


Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!




PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.


(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG



Magical and Miraculous

July 30, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”

Magical and Miraculous

Hello and Welcome,


We are back from our trip to Yarmouth, NS.  We went down to my daughter’s

wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding with lots of family and friends as

guests.  The church was full.  The bridal party and groomsmen were all in

their best attire.  The girls were beautiful, and the men as handsome as

they were handy.



The Spirit was definitely in attendance and the rain held off all day until

later in the evening when it was intermittent showers.  The reception was at

the Grand Hotel on Main St.  It was a large facility and everything went




The spirit of the people in attendance was inspiring for all.  The young and

old alike were entertained and entertaining.  We had a dance troup of young

ladies and men who put on a great show of their modern dance abilities as

well as some of their acrobatic skills.  It was awesome.



Some very good friends shot pictures and video of the whole event.  The next

day they had it edited and ready to show to everyone.  It was very well done

and organized.  It inspires me especially, to continue my path.  These are the

type of people I need on board with me.  They are very talented.



Last night when we arrived back I watched the whole wedding in review on

Facebook.  It amazes and astounds me, the advances in technology that allows

the rest of the world to view the same experience we experienced in real

time or as close as it gets to real time.



The Spirit allows lovingkindness to spread immediately through a world

system to all who missed the actual event.  It is like watching a miracle

take place before your very eyes.  Truly the Spirit is magical, as well as,



Have a great and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.


(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG

Depend on Spirit

July 17, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


Depend on Spirit


Hello and Welcome,


Have you consulted with your spirit today?  Is it in harmony with your plans?

Is it in agreement with how you feel at this moment?  Trust in Spirit to know

what is best for you both in health and wealth.


Start utilizing strength of Spirit to move you forward to the ultimate best

life has to offer.  Depend on Spirit as well as yourself.  Our minds sometimes

fall prey to unwanted thoughts or emotions.  This interrupts us in our daily

progress.  Interruptions delay progress.


The Spirit when allowed free rein guides and strengthens your resolve to

accomplish goals you set forth in preparation to reach the ultimate goal.  It

is a matter of small steps adding up to larger steps in reaching your full

potential as a productive spirit.


If you seem to be lacking in spirit today, cheer up and let the Spirit enter

your being.  Allow freedom of thought to be lead by Spirit and not negativity.


We here at “The Spirit Newsletter” headquarters wish you the best.  We instill

Spirit when we smile and move on through adversity and conflict.  It is why we

have freedom in this great country of ours.  The spirit of those who fought

and still fight for our freedom stems from Spirit.


Have a great and prosperous day!



PS:  Need inspiration check out previous posts.


(c)  2009    2E-TERNITY.ORG


Consciousness of Spirit

July 12, 2009

Consciousness of Spirit


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”


Hello and welcome,


Instill consciousness of Spirit.  Spirit is an act of acceptance and

belief to realize consciousness of Spirit.  This blog is where you’ll

find the most up to date and latest knowledge of how to live in Spirit.


We wish to tell you a little background on “The Spirit Newsletter“.  I

hope you find what you need here, as additional spiritual fodder.  We

focus on Spirit and how it weaves its’ daily path throughout our lives.


If you are truly of the Spirit you will acknowledge the reality of this

blog and its’ true intent.  We wish to establish a web presence of like

minded individuals whose true aim is to live in peace and harmony with



As you read this live chronicle of testimony and true purpose truly

open your heart and accept generosity of Spirit.  It will guide you

to goals you set and heights you’ve only dreamed were possible.  Now

live those dreams.


Let the Spirit guide and manipulate my fingers as I report to you as

often as possible on important matters of a spiritual nature.  Please

have faith in Spirit and you will visualize and realize Utopia in life.


Have a great and prosperous day!




PS:  Need inspiration check out previous posts and other blogs.

(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG


Productivity in Spirit

July 10, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


Productivity in Spirit


Hello and welcome,


The Spirit is with us today waiting to shine forth and fulfill your

heart’s desires.  Through harmony the Spirit wills us to do what we

can for each other.  A simple gesture or a helping hand is all it

takes to do our part.


Many of us are able to share ourselves with others every day.  It is

through sharing and caring that we do the work of the Spirit.  Is your

spirit fulfilled?


Have you done what you feel is just and right for yourself or others?


Throughout our daily lives we must practice these simple principles

that mean so much.  Our hearts require comfort and love to keep our

spirit active and productive.


Productivity is Spirit.  Being productive is conducive to spiritual

well being.  To thrive productively we must embrace the Spirit to

encourage others to be productive and useful.


As each day passes we learn and grow in our quest for the happiness,

peace and contentment that makes our lives complete.  This is great

incentive to be productive isn’t it?


Share yourself with others and spread enlightenment in their life.  It

is spiritually fulfilling and also shows our devotion to our task.  I’m

convinced that this major step in spiritual growth and understanding is

what brings happiness, prosperity and peace to our lives.


Use this newsletter as intended and do your best to grow and become one

with Spirit.  It’s the difference between choosing the rough and rocky

road or the smoother paved highway.  Using metaphors such as this is a

good way to express your desires to help others succeed so that in turn

you too succeed.


Have a great and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration check out previous posts.






Cottam Industries
56 East Folly Mtn., Rd., RR2
Debert, NS, Canada


(c) 2009 2E-TERNITY.ORG