Archive for June, 2009

Access to the Spirit

June 30, 2009

Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in

the quest for peace on Earth.”


Access to the Spirit


Hello and Welcome,

Once again the Spirit is prodding me to get to it.  So here

goes.  This one’s for you.  The Spirit is asking you to open

your hearts to allow access.

You must open your hearts if you wish access to the Spirit.  As

you contemplate doing so, consider the implications thereof.  A

brand new you.

Wouldn’t you like to experience the euphoria that giving of the

Spirit induces?

Accepting the Spirit is incomparable to anything else you’ve

ever experienced.  A pure true love that inspires one to give.

The reward so exceedingly far above your greatest expectations.

It is the intent of this newsletter to inspire and create love

and warmth of a giving spirit.  Enjoy peace, prosperity and

happiness being filled with the Spirit.



We hope you enjoy our sometimes brief, but pointedly spiritual

blessings emanating throughout our newsletter.  Accept Spirit and

learn forgiveness of Spirit.  These are key to your own peace

and prosperity.


“Believe to receive, visualize to realize.”


Have a great and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration, check out previous posts.


PPS: Want to help promote “The Spirit” by sharing this post with your

friends and family?  Feel free to tell them about this site and it’s

benefits and how supporting such a worthy cause is for the benefit of



Administration of the Spirit

June 27, 2009

Hi and welcome,

Just want to let you know the Spirit is here.  We want to see you

blessed with Spirit.  Through administration of the Spirit, we are

doing what the Spirit wills.  The Spirit wants us to keep up the good



How do you handle administration of the Spirit?  Consistent

application of the process is necessary for success.  One

mustn’t be sporadic about staying in touch with the Spirit.

Your spirit becomes despondent if you don’t reciprocate the

generosity of the Spirit.


Heed the Spirit?  Listen?  What lessons can we learn?  Will we

pass the test?  Can you call upon the Spirit when you are in


The answer is an emphatic yes.

We must call upon Spirit for just about anything.  Joy, peace

or happiness.  Love and Peace go hand in hand with Spirit to

create a better tomorrow.

We all want a better tomorrow.  Our families have wanted it for

each other all their lives. for sons, daughters, their sons and

daughters etc.  We too strive for that goal.

What have you done for the Spirit today?

Have a great and prosperous day!

Don’t forget to leave your comments, it is your chance to

voice your opinion.

“Believe to receive, visualize to realize.”


Have a great and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration, check out previous posts.

PPS: Want to help promote “The Spirit” by sharing this post with your

family and friends?  Feel free to tell them about this site and it’s

benefits and how supporting such a worthy cause is for the benefit of


Inclusion of Spirit

June 23, 2009


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each
 other in the quest of peace on Earth.”

Inclusion of the Spirit


Welcome to “The Spirit”,


It’s been another exciting and profitable day.  The

Spirit was moving me faster than I wanted to be moved

to tell the truth.  I took my bad news from last night

and turned it into good news today.  I can concentrate

on more important tasks now.


I too make mistakes a lot of times, but when I do I try

to correct it with countermeasures immediately.  One must

have quick reflexes to utilize the strength of the Spirit

to the fullest.


The Spirit can only do it’s work within us as long as we

focus on the generosity of spirit we’ve all been gifted



We must share the Spirit with others everyday to feel the

euphoria that inclusion of the Spirit brings.  Enjoy the

euphoria as it can be as fleeting as the Spirit when our

minds get interrupted or distressed.


Pleading with the Spirit to fill your heart isn’t always

enough, you must also feel the Spirit move you and guide

you.  Embrace the Spirit and it will embrace you.


I do hope you are reading these posts and at least giving

the Spirit a chance at enlightenment.  So many rewards

await those doing so.


Have a great and prosperous day!


Give Thanks to the Spirit

June 22, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other

in the quest for peace on Earth.”

Give Thanks to the Spirit

Hello friends of the Spirit,

Today we wish a Happy Father’s day to the Father’s of our

fathers and all fathers.

The Spirit has truly gifted us with thanks to our Universal

Father and fathers everywhere.  We give praises to the Spirit

for those gifts.

Are you truly thankful to the Spirit?  Can you openly admit

that it’s because of the Spirit we are here to be thankful?

Being thankful for all the gifts bestowed upon us by the

Spirit is what this day is all about.

For me it has been a wonderful day.  The Spirit moves in

mysterious ways.  We can’t always get what we want.  Even

if we pray real hard the Spirit chooses a starnge path for

us and we have no choice but to let the Spirit lead.

To let the Spirit lead we must first trust in the Spirit to

guide or do what is best for us.  We are grateful that the

Spirit even graces us with it’s presence.  Thank you Spirit.

In the event your day was as rewarding as mine I know you can

relate to the Spirit as I do.  It is a relationship that will\

require constant nurturing on your behalf.  The tools have

been left in our care and we must utilize them to experience

ultimate spiritual bliss.

Have a great and prosperous day!


Stewardship of the Spirit

June 20, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”

Stewardship of the Spirit


In today’s edition of “The Spirit”, we will continue to give thanks and

praise.  We are enjoying the day and all the fruits that it bears.  We

only serve the Spirit by enjoying the fruits and managing our stewardship

of those fruits and the seeds they produce.

It is all quite simple but we tend to let outside influences cloud our

judgement.  A simple seed is all it takes to grow a flourishing crop.

If you wish to harvest a decent crop you must nourish and tend the crop

until it’s fruition.

With the Spirit as your guide and power you can accomplish your own

dreams.  We all want to achieve our goals or dreams.  That is why we

need the Spirit.  The Spirit will help us stay focused.

So today while you’re daydreaming of more pleasant matters, allow the

Spirit to fill your heart and help you to realize those dreams.  As

long as your dreams include helping others before yourself, you will


“Believe to receive, visualize to realize.”


Have a great and prosperous day!


PS:  Need inspiration, check out previous posts.

PPS: Want to help promote “The Spirit” by sharing this post with your

friends and family?  Feel free to tell them about this site and it’s

benefits and how supporting such a worthy cause is for the benefit of


In Touch with the Spirit

June 18, 2009

Hi and welcome,

It has been another mind boggling day.  If we give our activities

over to the Spirit, we can get quite ensconced in whatever task

we’ve taken on.  The Spirit does us proud.  It keeps us trudging

onward no matter what obstacles pop up.

Is your day so full of activities that you really have a hard

time to just sit and relax?  Relaxing in the Spirit is a most

comfortable way to relax.  Give it all up to the Spirit and let

your adrenalin cool down.  Meditate.  Watch some tube.

Put your feet up and get comfortable and give thanks to the Spirit

that gifts us.  With gifts of the Spirit we do slow down and look

at things a little clearer.  Focus on the peace and tranquility it


I’ve had to cut back and allow my spirit time to absorb and use

the calmness that comes over me when I pray and ask the Spirit

to come fully into my heart when I have stopped doing whatever.

It is then, serenity of the moment seeps in and fills my


I hope you take time today to get in touch with the Spirit and

allow yourself the time allotted all tired and wearied souls who

commit themselves to doing good for others.

Have a great and prosperous day!





The Strength of Spirit

June 18, 2009


“Öur aim is to inspire and educate and relate to one another in

the quest for peace on Earth.”


Hello everyone,

Sorry about the lapse between posts, but there’s always something

that comes up to interrupt any routine I try to follow.  I do all

I can possibly think of to keep on target.  The cost?  Crazy!

Thanks to the Spirit I can keep my head above water and tread a

fairly long time, but then I tire.  No matter how strong the Spirit, the

body grows weak and needs rest.

With the Spirit in me I look forward to each day and the varied

aspects that come with a new day and different circumstances.  It

allows me ultimate freedom.  Creativity and construction of choice

circumstances lead me ever onward.

If you’re spirit is lacking today,  give choice to creativity and

express yourself from the heart.  Enjoy life and have fun.  Live

life to the fullest and partake of the bounty provided freely and


In all of us there are latent tendencies to want to do good for

someone other than ourselves.  The nature of the action is praise

enough for simply being able to be of service.

The Strength of Spirit calls you.  Will you listen?

Have a great and prosperous day!


PS: It’s a question of ecology and economy and where they begin.

Your action and participaction are what we strive for.  We look

forward to hearing from you.  

PPS: “The Spirit” is a FREE  Post provided by; “GEMSIVSPIRIT”

We invite you to accept our generous gifts of spirit and loving

kindness.  We look forward to serving more of your needs in the


Again, have a great and prosperous day!


A Day of Thanks

June 8, 2009

Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”


Today I wish to thank the Spirit for moving me into action.  As we all know, sometimes we fall prey to our human frailties.  It is at this time we should pray and thank the Spirit for coming into our hearts and souls to give us solace from our grievances.

The generosity of Spirit allows us to graciously accept the gifts of loving kindness and peace.  We must adhere to our own policy of returning and sharing the love shown us, by the Spirit.  Sharing love of the Spirit, is our duty to others.  We must always give that task our very best efforts.

The best way to share and spread love is through congregating with like minded spiritual beings.  It is surprising that by doing so, we can achieve goals for the Spirit, as well as, ourselves.  In publishing our thoughts and feelings of love we receive, we begin the process of healing, both ourselves and others.

This healing is, or should be, our main goal in life. 

Systematic application of our duties will enhance and expedite the healing process.  We must pray and meditate daily to make any lasting impact in this world.  The Spirit works through us to heal and comfort others.  The simple yet exponential value in spreading love, inherent to healing, is the greatest gift we are given.

Today, please take time to share your love and healing powers with others who are less endowed by the Spirit.

Have a great and prosperous day!




A Warm and Giving Spirit

June 6, 2009

“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in the quest for peace on Earth.”

Hello fellow Spirit followers,

Today we bring you the gift of the Spirit to warm and gladden your heart and the hearts of those you love.

The warmer weather is now with us. Let the Spirit warm your heart and bring gladness into your life, for the gift of LIFE.

We enjoy publicizing the Spirit. We invite all who welcome the Spirit into their lives to join our newsletter and membership society.

We do lots of exciting and fulfilling things to enhance the lives of others. At heart we love the Spirit and let the Spirit guide and direct us. We do not allow emotions or opinions to enter the realm of the Spirit. We run our newsletter as the Spirit leads.  As for me I follow the lead of the Spirit.

As you all know, even with the Spirit as our guide, we must still provide a means of maintaining and supporting our publishing efforts.  In providing this newsletter, we also provide an avenue for donations to our cause. If you wish to participate in changing the course of history, please continue to show your support by giving generously of the Spirit.

To enable you or your family and friends the chance to learn more about the Spirit and how it gracefully glides through our environment providing and governing our thoughts and actions, we have now introduced a special
membership, allowing participants the chance to take action and bring about peace and prosperity for themselves and others.

To receive further information or join our cause, please write to:



“The Spirit Newsletter”


Have a great and prosperous day!

The location of both “The Spirit Newsletter” & Cottam Industries are as follows:

Cottam Industries
56 East Folly Mtn., Rd., RR2
Debert, Nova Scotia b0m1g0